Treasurer Forms

  • Expense Reimbursement Form

    • Before making any purchases, please make certain that you have approval from the Committee Chair (Andy Pierce) and/or Troop Treasurer (Kathy Dixon). This will ensure that we have the necessary funds available. 
      Simply take a photo of your invoices and paste to the additional tabs added in the form. This way you can email the form to the Treasurer directly and you will have a check for the next meeting (Please add TROOP 182 REIMBURSEMENT in the subject line).

Application Form

You can fill out a registration form in person at a troop meeting or download the form and bring it with you!

Medical Form

For most events (trips under 72 hours), we only need the form with parts A and B. For summer camp (and trips over 72 hours) we need the form with parts A, B, and C, which includes an evaluation from your son's doctor.

Event/Trip Permission Slips

Most trips will have a permission slip included in the communications, however if you need a copy of a blank form, you can download it here