Troop Meetings
Our weekly Troop meetings are on held on Tuesday nights at 7:00pm on the ground floor level of the First Baptist Church at 1216 Main Street, Holden, MA during the school year.
"No School, No Scouts"
We basically follow the WRSD School calendar. So, if there is no school, there is no scouts. If school is cancelled due to inclement weather, no scouts. If school is dismissed early due to inclement weather, no scouts.
Scouts should wear their Class A uniform to every meeting, which includes their book and a pen.
PLC Meetings
The PLC (Patrol Leader Council) meets on the first Monday of every month, unless otherwise specified, from 7:00-8:30pm in the same location as our Troop meetings.
The Troop is run by the Patrol Leaders Council (PLC) which is run by the Senior Patrol Leader (SPL).
The PLC is made up of:
Senior Patrol Leader
Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders
Patrol Leaders from each Patrol
Troop Guide
Scribe (non-voting)
PLC meetings are where we plan out our troop meeting for the following month. If you have any ideas on activities that the troop could do, or are interested in leading an activity, feel free to attend.
We understand it might be hard for all of the Patrol Leaders to attend every meeting, but please make your best effort to come. Remember, showing up for some of the meeting is better than not going at all.
Committee Meetings
The Troop Committee meetings are held on the second Monday of every month at 7:00pm in the same location as our Troop meetings (unless otherwise specified). All interested adults are welcome to attend and participate.