Welcome New Parents/Families!

We ask you to get as involved as you can in your youth’s scouting experience. Behind every successful Scout is an interested and participating parent/guardian. Troop 182 has a Facebook page in which you can stay informed. We encourage all parents (and Scouts) to join the page.

The website is also one of our tools to interface with the Scouts and families. The website contains advancement information, the Troop event calendar, forms and many other useful items. Be sure to check the calendar for upcoming events frequently. Please note that, for safety reasons, the public website will not contain the Scout’s full names or contact information.

Parent's Responsibilities

  • Read "A Parent's Guide" located in the front of the Scouts BSA Handbook.
  • Scouting is family based. Our Troop is very active and requires a lot of adult help. The adult support is organized through the Troop Committee. All parents are invited and encouraged to attend these meetings, join the committee and lend a hand with the many support activities (i.e.: transportation needs, fundraising activities).
  • Attend other meetings as required (i.e.: Courts of Honor, information for summer camp, special activities, etc.)
  • Sign up on Scoutbook and follow your Scout's progress.