Troop Trips

Like Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts also have a monthly event.  The Pack typically has a Pack meeting.  In Boy Scouts, we go on Trips.

Troop 182 does hold some traditional trips every year, as well as other trips that may change each year.  Some examples are:

  • Thompson Speedway Swap Meet: Each year, the Scouts provide assistance to attendees, bringing their purchases to their cars. This is used as a Troop fundraiser, as there is a charge for the service.

  • White Mountains Hut Trip: Backpacking and hiking in the White Mountains and staying at a hut along the way. These trips are better for more experienced hikers.

  • AOL Crossover: Normally held in April, this event includes a day of shooting, archery and a crossover ceremony for those Scouts joining the Troop from Pack 46.

  • Big Brother Trip: Troop 182 has a tradition in June of going on a trip specifically focused on spending time with our newest scouts. Each new Scout will be paired with an older scout, your Big Brother for the weekend. You will sleep in a tent with your Big Brother, cook outside, learn some skills, and have an all-around great time getting to know other members of the Troop. On this trip, we ask that parents of new scouts not attend. This gives the scouts a chance to take a step out of the nest and spend some time on their own.