Earning a new rank
If you are ready to earn a new rank, please schedule your Scoutmaster Conference & Board of Review. For scheduling purposes please fill out the online form to request a Scoutmaster Conference. The online form will alert the Scoutmasters and the Advancement Chairs: https://goo.gl/forms/HpEz4moBoRxBXReU2
Scouts should bring their handbooks to meetings every week, so we can do a check-in on their progress to make sure they are on track. Make sure they aren’t stuck on a certain requirement and don’t know how to get it done. Older scouts are happy to help with this. Council recommends we check in with scouts periodically even if they have not requested a Scoutmaster Conference or Board of Review.
Earning the earlier ranks – Scout, Tenderfoot, 2nd Class and 1st Class:
These involve learning and demonstrating a variety of scouting skills.
A Scout can work on the requirements for the Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class ranks at the same time, but must earn them in sequence. For example they might learn all the knot tying skills needed for multiple ranks at the same event.
There is no time requirement on the early ranks, so BSA hopes that boys will be able to earn 1st Class within about a year after joining Boy Scouts.
After completing the requirements for any of the earlier ranks, the scout should fill out our online form to arrange for a Scoutmaster conference.
After their Scoutmaster conference, they will have a Board of Review. Fill out our online form to arrange for a Board of Review.
Please Remember
Scouts should keep track of all of their work in their handbooks, as it is not possible for the Advancement Chair to enter every completed requirement into Scoutbook for every Scout.
Make sure to get your work signed off by the Scoutmaster or an Assistant Scoutmaster at any Troop meeting or activity. There is no need for a special time to be setup for sign-offs.
Earning the later ranks – Star and Life:
These involve doing community service hours, earning several merit badges including some Eagle-required ones, spending a specified number of months in their current rank and serving in a position of responsibility within the troop.
To serve in a position of responsibility, a scout should talk to the SPL and Scoutmaster about a position he might like to take on.
Most rank requirements must be signed off by a Scoutmaster or Assistant Scoutmaster. Service hours can be signed off at the time they are completed. Once the requirements are met, the scout should fill out our online form to arrange for a Scoutmaster conference.
After their Scoutmaster conference, they will have a Board of Review. Fill out our online form to arrange for a Board of Review.
Earning Eagle Scout:
Earning Eagle is a much longer more complex process involving a long application, leading a service project, earning 21 badges (including 13 from the required list), and a Board of Review with the Council. Read more on the BSA website.